Lorraine is a Mental Health Accredited Social Worker and Counsellor who helps women create change in their lives. Lorraine works predominately, but not exclusively, with women in the second phase of life, those over 50, who desire a life of greater meaning, purpose and worth. Lorraine supports women to understand the function of their behaviour that no longer serves them. She uses evidence-based strategies (see Counselling page for more information), skills development and deep reflective awareness to foster increased wellbeing. Lorraine believes that this is an exciting age of reassessment, increased self-awareness and renewal. She also believes it is a stage where society can characterise this group as irrelevant and invisible and she actively seeks to challenge this view. Lorraine holds strong beliefs that an unhealthy social system impacts the individual lives of women and girls. She is committed to addressing inequality, and believes that many of the stressors and symptoms women present with are normal responses to an unhealthy system.
At Mindheart Therapy, Lorraine works with women to focus on their wellbeing by asking them questions like, when was the last time, if ever, that you focused on what you want? What aspirations have you left behind? What would bring vitality and tranquility to your life? Lorraine brings awareness to the impact on both the mind and the body of being a woman in our society. She believes that these symptoms are often pathologised and women are encouraged to ignore them, increasing their stress and distress.